Status symbols come in many forms — designer handbags and flashy cars, or maybe a vacation home, yacht or a private jet. The newest financial watermark for Houston’s elite comes in an unexpected form: upscale cemetery plots...
Glenwood Cemetery, the historic resting place of some of Houston’s most famous figures, has long been a local tourist destination for those interested in history, nature or just a place to stroll on a nice day...
The most expensive land in Houston isn’t a lot in River Oaks or a corner near the posh Galleria mall. On 88 acres near the edge of downtown...
A handful of cemeteries in the Houston-area, including Glenwood Cemetery and Forest Park Cemetery, are the final resting places of some of the people that helped shape the city...
Summer still holds the city in a vise-like grip, and cures ranging from cool icy drinks to trips to the pool do not work at this point in the calendar...
It is, of course, a live oak — Houston's favorite tree — and it is, of course, a whole lotta live oak. Sixty-four feet tall; trunk wide as a Volkswagen...
With Halloween approaching, children and some adults delight in hearing scary stories about haunted houses, spooky cemeteries and ethereal apparitions... Audio
Glenwood Cemetery
2525 Washington Avenue
Houston, Texas 77007
P: 713.864.7886
F: 713.864.6429
Cemetery Hours:
7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.