Visit Glenwood Cemetery for a walking tour, and you'll instantly be transported back to the 19th century. Our historic cemetery was initially developed in 1871, and exhibits all sorts of links to the past. These days, we offer relaxed, educational tours of our grounds, which allow visitors to explore staggering structures, winding pathways, and many historical relics.
Browse the following sections to learn more about the natural features and architectural elements that you'll encounter throughout your tour. It doesn't matter whether you're a nature lover or a history buff; our lovely grounds are sure to feature a little something for everyone.
Glenwood includes many of the hallmark features that are common among 19th century romantic garden cemeteries. Our cemetery features a naturally-styled landscape, with all sorts of curving roads and winding walkways. You will also encounter the Glenwood office and office cottage, which were initially developed in 1888.
Our cemetery was developed in a rural area, on a site that features all sorts of dynamic natural features. In fact, the Glenwood layout incorporates a host of ravines, which lead to Buffalo Bayou. This design imparts a rolling aesthetic upon the cemetery that's quite unique to Houston. As you tour our 88 acres, you will undoubtedly encounter a wide assortment of trees, flowers, shrubbery, wildlife, and historic statuary.
If you're interested in exploring our lovely grounds, we urge you to contact one of the friendly representatives at Glenwood Cemetery. We make it simple to schedule a historic tour in the heart of the Houston, TX region. You're going to love viewing all sorts of historic architecture, while spending time within lush natural surroundings. On top of that, you might just learn something along the way.
Glenwood Cemetery
2525 Washington Avenue
Houston, Texas 77007
P: 713.864.7886
F: 713.864.6429
Cemetery Hours:
7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.